Biografilm Festival

Biografilm Festival - International Celebration of Lives is the first international event entirely devoted to Biographical films. The aim of Biografilm Festival is to find and to show life paths and experiences, big and small stories that influenced and determined the world history.

Biografilm Festival individuated, and followed with a perfect timing, the peculiarity of the biopic genre and its audience, for some reason not explored before in Italy: the cultural quality of the biopic genre is intended as a highly positive value from a communication perspective, in a moment during which there’s a return to values the like of widening, commitment and a general increasing request of quality cultural products.

Born in 2005, Biografilm Festival takes place in Bologna, in June at the Cineteca del Comune di Bologna (Italy).

Biografilm Festival is promoted by the Association Fanatic About Festivals and works in collaboration with The Culture Business staff.

The Art director is the journalist and editore, Andrea Romeo.

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